Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Emilys homework Assignments

response to vernacular of beauty: This reading really made me think about what beautiful is. After reading it I felt a strong sense of whether or not anything was truly beautiful. Who is anyone to say something is or isn't beautiful? I do agree that beauty is a visual pleasure. But what is beauty other then just a word. This reading was a little confusing but it really got me thinking.

Postproduction art: After reading this article and being confused about it. I understood what the author was trying to get across I just could not grasp all of the concepts. I like how he saw music as art and DJ's as artists. I also found the section of the reading about the use of objects to be interesting. He says a product only becomes a real product in consumption. This made me think about the products i have encountered and it made a lot of sense.

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